Small Dog Breeds up to 40 CM Shoulder Height
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Small Dog Breeds From a to Z
Affenpinscher | Australian Terrier | Basset | Beagle | Belgian Griffon | Bichon frisé | Bolognese | Border Terrier | Boston Terrier | Cairn Terrier | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Cesky Terrier | Chihuahua | Chinese Crested Dog | Coton de Tulear | Dachshund | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | English Toy Terrier | French bulldog | Havanese | Italian Greyhound | Jack Russel Terrier | Japan Chin | Japanese Spitz | King Charles Spaniel | Kleinspitz | Kyi Leo | Lakeland Terrier | Lhasa Apso | Lowchen | Lhasa Apso | Maltese | Miniature Bull Terrier | Pug | Norfolk Terrier | Norwich Terrier | Papillon | Parson Russel Terrier | Pekingese | Podengo Portugues | Prague Ratter | Schipperke | Scottish Terrier | Sealyham Terrier | Sheltie | Shih Tzu | Silky Terrier | Skye Terrier | Tibetan Spaniel | Welsh Corgi | West Highland Terrier | YorkshireTerrier | Miniature Pinscher | Miniature Poodle | Miniature Schnauzer | Pomeranian
Small Dog Breeds at a Glance
Advantages of Small Dog Breeds
All small dogs have one thing in common: they require significantly less space than large dogs and are cheaper to maintain. This is true of both small breeds and mixed breeds, so it’s always a good idea to consider how long a dog will be with you. It’s important to remember that the scenario may not look so great if you’re considering the cost of feeding a small breed over the course of their entire life.
Small dogs are the most practical in a number of situations. They can easily be picked up if the situation requires and don’t require extra baggage fees. This can be the case, for example, if you have to be carried through the apartment to the bathtub or if you are so sick that you can no longer walk yourself. Large dogs must stay on board as they require extra baggage fees, so make sure to know your dog’s size before booking!
Small Dog Breeds For The Whole Family
Families with children often look around for small or medium-sized dog breeds to ensure better handling. They are easier to manage and less likely to be walked by children. Very small dog breeds like Chihuahuas actually aren’t ideal in households with children, as they’re too timid and fragile, but on the other hand they’re too noisy and easily frightened by this noise.
Those who are very active in sports should be careful with both small and large dogs; medium-sized dogs are a great option. And if you ask the owner of a large dog for his opinion, he will surely give you the justified hint that smaller dogs like to trip over. However, these small “disadvantages” won’t keep people from choosing a smaller breed again and again.
Keeping and Caring for Small Dog Breeds
Small dogs require less grooming and maintenance than larger, long-haired breeds of dog, but this doesn’t mean they don’t need attention. The decisive factor is the amount or type of fur they have. Furry breeds such as a Shih Tzu do more work than an Irish Setter
So far, size has been an advantage for smaller breeds. Not necessarily in the way of cost, but with expenses for dog food being significantly lower for these smaller dogs. Collars, leashes and other accessories are often cheaper as well, making it a pretty good deal.