How to Crate Train Your Dog – Easy Steps

A wonderful method to create a contented, safe, and secure bond with your tiny dog is to crate train your puppy. As a result, you must know how to crate train your dog.

How to Crate Train Your Dog

You’ll want to protect your dog from injury while you’re not around to watch as a responsible pet owner. Your puppy will also gain other advantages from crate training.

For instance, your small friend will have a separate location of his own where he can go for solitude and serenity whenever he needs it.

What is a Dog Crate?

To keep dogs secure and happy, owners utilize dog crates, which are essentially miniature kennels or boxes. When your dog is at home alone, a crate is a great method to keep him secure.

Additionally, it can be used to train your dog to go inside and to keep him from gnawing on improper objects or entering harmful areas. Your dog can have a den-like setting in a crate as opposed to the open area of the rest of the house.

Dogs are accustomed to denning, which is where they sleep and procreate in a compact area. Crating is a helpful training and housebreaking method since it simulates this behavior.


Benefits of Crate Training

  • Crate training is a compassionate method of teaching your dog to “hold it” until he can go outdoors if done correctly. Your puppy may be terrified of punishment if he has an accident when no one is looking out for him. He’ll probably try to avoid you, which is not a good thing. When your puppy can no longer control his bladder or feces, a crate will give him a secure place to be.
  • If your puppy is too young to be left alone, crate training enables you to keep him safe. If your puppy is ill or recovering from surgery, he could also need to be crated.
  • Your puppy will be more at ease in his crate if you transport him in the car.
  • Particularly for the growing puppy, crate training is crucial. It might teach him to wait patiently for his supper. It will motivate him to stay put, which is advantageous when he is required to do so for grooming and veterinarian appointments.
  • You can use crate training to your advantage as you raise your puppy in other ways as well. Your dog will discover that being confined will not result in punishment. Over time, he’ll get more at ease in his crate, which will make training him in other areas simpler.

How to Crate Train a Puppy

  • You must first get the appropriate crate for your puppy. Just enough room should be provided in his crate for him to stand up, turn around, and lie down without strain. By allowing your puppy to eat in the crate, you can help him get accustomed to using it. This will enable him to connect the container with good memories.
  • If your puppy is expected to bark and disturb the rest of the household, place the crate in your bedroom or another room where you spend a lot of time. Your dog will feel more at home if you do this.
  • When you can’t keep an eye on your dog, crate him. Initially, this might only be done for brief intervals until he gets accustomed to the container. You will need to lengthen the time he spends in the crate as he matures and expands.
  • Do not let your puppy out of the crate until he stops crying or whining while he is inside. He will believe that the more he cries, the faster you would let him out of the container if you let him whine and then take him out. Do not discipline your puppy if he has an accident in his crate. Use an enzyme cleanser that eliminates odors to clean the cage.
  • Wait until your puppy is at least 6 months old before letting him spend the night in a crate. Increase his meal time if you have to keep him in a crate overnight because you have to go somewhere, so he won’t grow hungry enough to bark and whine.

Tips for Successful Crate Training

  • Put your dog in his crate when you want him to be quiet and out of mischief. Crate him until he calms down if he is crying, making noise, or otherwise bothering you.
  • Your puppy has to be in his kennel when you aren’t home. If you have more than one dog, you can confine the other dog or dogs to one area while keeping the puppy in the crate.
  • Keep your puppy out of the crate for brief intervals of time. For exercise and bathroom breaks, he should be allowed outside.
  • In your puppy’s crate, add a comfortable bed, a toy, and something to gnaw on.
  • Spend time with your dog while he is in the crate when you are at home. Offer him treats, talk to him, and pet him.

When Should You Not Crate Train Your Puppy?

Crate training your puppy may not always be a good idea. Crate training might not be the best option if your puppy is excessively frightened, despondent, or aggressive.

Before attempting to cage train your puppy, you should try to resolve any other problems that may exist. Crates shouldn’t be used for puppies that are ill, hurt, or recovering from surgery.

It is best to keep your puppy out of the crate when he is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea. Small or very young puppies may not be able to contain their bladder for long enough to be crated. They could experience frequent accidents if confined due to their small bladders.

Additional Factors to Consider while Crate Training

1. Get your puppy a crate that is roomy enough for him to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

2. Put the crate in a peaceful, wind-free corner of your house.

3. Put a nice blanket or towel on the bottom of the crate to line it.

4. Put your puppy in the crate to eat his meals and to sleep when you can’t keep an eye on him.

5. Reward your dog when it enters the crate and sits or lies down within.

6. Increase the time your dog spends in the crate gradually.

7. When your puppy is cozy inside, siting or lying down, close the crate’s door.

8. Be patient and wait for your dog to cease whining or barking in the crate before opening the door.

9. Until your dog is fully house-trained, continue to confine him for brief intervals.


When your dog is not being monitored, crate training is a terrific approach to keep him secure. When he is too young to be left alone, when he is ill or recovering from surgery, or when it is believed that he may bark and disturb the rest of the family, it can also be used. Crate training can be used to train your dog in different ways and is particularly beneficial for fearful, depressed, or aggressive puppies.

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